December 1,2015
From Yavat, where Radharani lived with Her in-laws, to Ter Kadamba, where Srila Rupa Goswami did bhajan, is one of the most sacred and beautiful walks in Vrindavan. It was our final parikrama in Kartika and we relished every step.
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December 6,2015
After visiting Yavat, where Radharani lived for some time, we walked to Ter Kadamba, a sacred place where Rupa Goswami did bhajan 500 years ago. Mother Sitala spoke on the pastimes of Rupa Goswami and Bada Haridas prabhu led us in singing the glories of the Six Goswami’s. It was our final parikrama of Kartika, and one of the best as well.
After visiting Yavat, where Radharani lived for some time, we walked to Ter Kadamba, a sacred place where Rupa Goswami did bhajan 500 years ago. Mother Sitala spoke on the pastimes of Rupa Goswami and Bada Haridas prabhu led us in singing the glories of the Six Goswami's. It was our final parikrama of Kartika, and one of the best as well.
Posted by Indradyumna Swami on Saturday, December 5, 2015
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December 9,2015
Towards the end of Kartika our parikrama party journeyed in wooden boats down the sacred Yamuna river to the famed asrama of Durvasa Muni.There we spent a wonderful day chanting the glories of Srila Prabhupada and recounting his pastimes amongst us. All of us realized that it was by his grace alone we had the good fortune to come to Sri Vrindavan dhama.
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December 10,2015
The sacred village of Raval has a special flavor to it, for it is where Srimati Radharani displayed Her infant pastimes. The charm and mystic of Raval penetrated our hearts as our parikrama party heard and sang the glories of Radharani in that simple village setting.
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December 12,2015
Myself and Bada Haridas prabhu are on an extended break in South India, resting and recuperating from a year of extensive traveling. Most of our time is spent hearing and chanting the glories of the Lord. In my studies I came across the following description of Prahlada Maharaja from the Hari bhakti sudhodaya [15.1-2 ]. As I read it, I realized it also perfectly describes our beloved Srila Prabhupada and his transcendental influence upon fallen conditioned souls when he was amongst us.
“Upon hearing his brilliant words, some people felt an extraordinary sense of detachment from material life and began to shed tears. Others who saw him responded by bowing down to him. Others were amazed to see him playfully laugh and simply stood in groups watching him. All these persons were relieved of worldly contamination.”
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December 13,2015
I would like to thank all the wonderful devotees who participated in our Kartika parikrama in Vrindavan this past month. For all who participated it was surely one the most enriching spiritual experiences of our lives. We invite many other devotees to join us next year! To reside in Vrindavan, even for a short time, grants one the highest benediction as declared by Srimati Radharani Herself:
“Dearest Krishna!! Please grant this one benediction. To those who reside in the profoundly sweet land of Vrindavan, and who for a long time yearn with a steady heart to someday attain You, please, O master of Gokula, appear before their eyes as their youthful friend!” [ Lalita Madhava, Act 10, text 260 ]
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December 13,2015
During our recent Kartika parikrama in Vrindavan, we held an initiation ceremony at Gokula, where Krsna performed many of His childhood pastimes. In the auspicious atmosphere of that holy place we officially welcomed the initiates into our Gaudiya Vaisnava sampradaya, thus ensuring the legacy of this great movement, ISKCON, continues down the line.
During our recent Kartika parikrama in Vrindavan, we held an initiation ceremony at Gokula, where Krsna performed many of His childhood pastimes. In the auspicious atmosphere of that holy place we officially welcomed the initiates into our Gaudiya Vaisnava sampradaya, thus ensuring the legacy of this great movement, ISKCON, continues down the line.
Posted by Indradyumna Swami on Sunday, December 13, 2015
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December 17,2015
A few special shots of our parikrama to Vrinda Kunda this Kartika. May Vrinda Devi bless all who approach her for residence in sacred Sri Vrindavan Dhama.
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December 19,2015
In appreciation of the service rendered by his disciples, Srila Prabhupada once said that his guru maharaja, Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati, had sent them to help him in his preaching mission.
One disciple spoke up and said, “But Srila Prabhupada how could that be? We were so sinful before we met you.”
Srila Prabhupada replied, “That is superficial. As soon as you heard the chanting of Hare Krsna you all came running!”
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December 21,2015
The holy town of Udupi lies on the Arabian Sea in the South Indian state of Karnataka. The town is famous as a place of pilgrimage because of the temple Sri Krishna Matha. This temple was founded by Srila Madhvacharya (A.D. 1238 -1317), one of the greatest saints, philosophers, and religious reformers of India. Udupi is said to have attained the status of Vaikuntha, the kingdom of God, because the Supreme Personality of Godhead, in the form of a Deity ( Udupi Krishna ) came and stayed there in response to the desire of His pure devotee, Srila Madhvacharya. The worship of Udupi Krishna is still going on after many centuries in a very elaborate way. Yesterday myself and Bada Haridas prabhu visited Sri Krishna Math and took darshan of Udupi Krishna. We came away most inspired!
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December 22,2015
The other day a devotee asked me what is my favorite prayer from our Vaisnava scriptures. I replied with the following verse by Narada Muni, who was requesting a benediction from Lord Krsna. In service to my spiritual master, I would like to follow in his footsteps.
“O swan gliding in the lakes of the Vraja-vasis’ love, I wish that I may wander everywhere always chanting and drinking the nectar of Your names. Those most sweet names arise from the ocean of Gokula and spread the glories of Your infinitely varied dress and ways of acting. As I wander, behaving like a madman, may I distribute joy to everyone in all the worlds.”
[ Sri Brhad Bhagavatamrta, Chapter 7, Text 143 ]